+ 2 життя теперь в безпеці на території Польщі Дякуємо за довіру @elakondziola Надзвичайно приємно відчувати таку сильну підтримку від людей з різних країн світу, яких ми ніколи не бачили але які настільки стали нам близькими
Наші коні це наші діти, ми безкінечно вдячні вам за теплий прийом їх в ваші родини та за ті оновлення у фотографіях і відео які ви нам надсилаєте
+ 2 more lives are now safe in Poland Thank you for your trust @elakondziola It is extremely nice to feel such strong support from people from different countries of the world whom we have never seen but who have become so close to us
Our horses these are our children, we are endlessly grateful to you for the warm reception of them in your families and for the updates in photos and videos that you send us
We remind you that we have a long list of Ukrainian riding horses for sale, they are showjumping, dressage, and hobby horses. For us, they are all like our own children. And we want more of our children to survive, have a decent life and be able to achieve success in sports. All are now discounted just to give them a chance to save themselves. If you are the owner of a stable abroad, if you are engaged in breeding horses or an athlete who has many horses – we will be happy if there is a place in your stable for at least one horse of the Ukrainian riding breed. We are ready to offer you many options so that you can choose the best one for you. This will be a big step towards a meeting from the international equestrian society to the Ukrainian one. We are really proud of our horses and we are sure that they will not disappoint you. You can write us a message on the page, e-mail esuhorses@gmail.com WhatsApp +32491126278, Viber/Telegram +380930033998