nastya wrote a new post, Ukrainian breed gelding Terminal also arrived on Easter evening to Sweden 1 year, 11 months ago
Currently he went to the quarantine stable but in few weeks he will arrive to his new home near Stockholm
Thank you Anna for your trust and your choice to give life under safe sky to Ukrainian horse -
nastya wrote a new post, Tamerlan from Zaporizhzhya arrived to Sweden, too! 1 year, 11 months ago
Easter holiday continues
Tamerlan from Zaporizhzhya (city close to hostilities zone) finally arrived to new home in Sweden! Thank you Simone Sandell and Fridstorp – hästverksamhet for the second saved life -
nastya wrote a new post, Golden Rain and Gabriella arrived to new home in Sweden today 1 year, 11 months ago
Happy Easter Day today!
What can be better than arrival of Ukrainian horses to their new homes in Sweden on that day?
Our beautiful mares Golden Rain and Gabriella, good luck and have a peaceful life under -
nastya wrote a new post, +3 mares arrived from Ukraine to Finland , too, this weekend 2 years ago
Thank you Ilona from Finland for your trust and given chances for Ukrainian horses to start their calm live in peace at your place 💙💛 We hope they will recover and gain enough weight very soon 🙏🏻
nastya wrote a new post, One more horse saved to Slovakia 2 years ago
+1 one more life arrived under the safe sky to the one of the best stables in Slovakia 🇸🇰 ✅
Thank you again for your trust and your choice to buy horse from Ukraine 💙💛
Be happy there, girl 🙏🏻***
We -
nastya wrote a new post, Red Faraon arrived to his new family in Finland 2 years ago
What a nice boy arrived from Ukraine 🇺🇦 to Finland 🇫🇮 this weekend 😍
No words needed to say how new owners happy to see him 🤗 and seems he too 💙💛
Good luck Faraon and enjoy 🙏🏻***
We r -
nastya wrote a new post, Charming Blueberry was the seventh horse that arrived to its new owner in Sweden on Friday 2 years ago
Чарівний Блубері був сьомим конем що прибув до Швеціі в п’ятницю 🤗🇸🇪
We remind everyone that we have a long list of Ukrainian riding horses for sale, they are showjumping, dressage, and hobby ho -
nastya wrote a new post, Bela and Yal, two stars who also arrived to their new home in Sweden today 2 years ago
Two beautiful horses arrived to the Stenungsunds riding school in Sweden today. And the famous Swedish news channel Hippson published an article about them 💙💛
We remind everyone that we have a long li -
nastya wrote a new post, 4 horses from Ukraine arrived to Goteborgs Faltrittklubb, Sweden today 2 years ago
Karat, Tamarisk, Nob Vd Heffinck and Vanessa went to Goteborgs Faltrittklubb
Thank you so much for you trust and patience ❤
We are sure they will not disappoint youVideo: htt
nastya wrote a new post, Thank you Finland for so many donated blankets for Ukrainian horses 2 years, 1 month ago
Thanks to Hankasalmen Ratsastuskoulu Finland for all the stuff you provided to us More horses in Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya and other cities are in warm
nastya wrote a new post, + 3 horse lives saved to Finland 2 years, 1 month ago
We express our deep gratitude to the new owners from Finland for their trust and the chance for a new life in safety for Ukrainian horses. All three – Aivengo, Kamaliya and Sarah are wonderful safe horses for
nastya wrote a new post, Voshod arrived safely to Germany! 2 years, 2 months ago
+1 horse from Ukraine saved to Germany Thank you for this chance and your trust! See how happy he is now ❤
We remind everyone that we have a long list of Ukrainian riding horses for sale, they are sho -
nastya wrote a new post, We are grateful for Slovakia for received humanitarian aid 2 years, 3 months ago
Дякуємо Словаччині за передану гуманітарну допомогу для українських коней
Наголошуємо що в пріоритеті регіони найближче розташовані до лінії оборони, окупаційні території, евакуйовані коні.
We are gr -
nastya wrote a new post, Our great sport hope went to Slovakia 2 years, 3 months ago
+ 1 кінське життя та велика спортивна надія тепер у найкращих руках на території Словаччини . Ікада, наша маленька зірочка, ми впевнені, що тобі там буде добре і одного разу твоє ім’я засяє на табло наймасш
nastya wrote a new post, The horse Postupok also found a family in Sweden 2 years, 3 months ago
+ 1 кінь тепер подовжуватиме своє життя в безпеці у прекрасній родині на приватній стайні в Швеції Ще раз дякуємо швецькому кінному суспільству за всю ту допомогу з викупом українських коней та отриманою г
nastya wrote a new post, 2 more lives are now safe in Poland 2 years, 3 months ago
+ 2 життя теперь в безпеці на території Польщі ✅ Дякуємо за довіру @elakondziola Надзвичайно приємно відчувати таку сильну підтримку від людей з різних країн світу, яких ми ніколи не бачили але які настільки стал
nastya wrote a new post, + 1 saved life from Kharkiv to Ireland✅ 2 years, 3 months ago
We remind you that we have a long list of Ukrainian riding horses for sale, they are showjumping, dressage, and hobby horses. For us, they are all like our own children. And we want more of our children to
nastya wrote a new post, Thank you Sweden for another batch of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian horses 2 years, 4 months ago
Дякуємо Швеції за ще одну партію гуманірної допомоги для українських коней Недоуздки, попони, захист для ніг та інше. Звертайтеся в директ за потребою. Наголошуємо що в пріоритеті регіони найближче розташов
nastya wrote a new post, Seven more horses arrived from Ukraine to Sweden today 2 years, 4 months ago
+ 7 життів тепер в безпеці ❤️✅
Ще семеро коней прибули сьогодні до Швеції На фото наші красиві хлопці та дівчата української верхової породи ❤А можливо через певний час по шведським полям буде бігати нове по -
nastya wrote a new post, 1 more saved life from Zaporizhzhia to Germany 2 years, 5 months ago
Another horse from Zaporizhzhia reached its new home in Germany We thank the new owners for this chance, for the opportunity to sleep peacefully without waiting for another explosion, to be fed and satisfied
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